вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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Oh AC/DC you frustrate me because I love you, I�really do, but I�just donapos;t want to buy the entire Black Ice album. I�really only want apos;Rock Napos; Roll Trainapos;. Why so anti-iTunes and pro Walmart of all things when I�am the exact opposite? This makes me cry and I have to resort to listening to it on youtube.

And speaking of music, I swear all the radio stations down here play is Boston and Pink Floyd. I�have never heard apos;Peace of Mindapos; so much in my entire life as I�have in these past 5 weeks. Every damn time I get in the car its on one station and apos;Another Brick in the Wallapos; is on the other so I have to listen to the third station which is always playing the live version of apos;I Want You to Want Meapos; or apos;Laylaapos;. (Neither of which I�will ever ever tire of so that works out a bit) And apos;Sharp Dressed Manapos; Once I parked while it was playing and when I�came back out to the car the next day it was still on I was amazed.

But seriously. Boston. Always on. Hallie would be thrilled, me not so much.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

bird extinctions

Heh. Couldnapos;t think of a subject name. Not sure how this post will go. Had a hankering for some posting though. And maybe some noodles. Which has me thinking of getting one of those 5 liter hot water dispensers. I could boil water or nuke instant noodles but that takes work and in the middle of the night the microwave makes the loudest beep noises which can wake up my folks. Tomorrow Iapos;m gonna see Sina again and help her fix her computer. Apparently her drive went bad so her system wouldnapos;t boot up. Hopefully she can still recover the data on it. I keep telling people to back shit up. I back stuff up on two hard drives, one on my portable and one on my drive at home. Not sure if anything will develop between between Sina and I. I still need more time and I still want to see other girls. Or I can fuck things up and discover too late that Sina was the one for me but she ends up with someone else, LOL Which is why I made that promise 8 years ago. And so far Iapos;ve been pretty good on keeping that promise to myself. Iapos;m still building my empire. And instead of saying someday, that empire will be seen ten years from now. Someday is too vague and lacks commitment. I need a date or a deadline when things will get done. Today is better than someday. Or better yet, now. Iapos;m getting a printer after next week. Old one keeps spooging ink on my docs. Iapos;m planning to get an Epson R1900. Iapos;ve seen that beast in action and my, those prints look pretty tight. Plus Iapos;ll finally be able to take advantage of borderless printing. Gone will be the days of having to print Super A3 and cropping my prints down to 11x17 or 8.5x11.
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du la loup mort

According to Atticus(Or Harper Lee if you like), courage is doing something in spite of the fact that you know that youapos;re going to lose anyway. This got me thinking a little this afternoon. Cynics would call it stupidity. After pondering about it for a long time, I came to a conclusion. It really depends on the situation.

In some, itapos;s merely selflessness. In others, itapos;s selfishness.

Omg, why am I thinking about such random things when CHEMISTRY PAPER IS TMR????

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Yesterday got to be really hard.� i was crabby and irritable.� plus fabio wasnapos;t feeling very well and wanted me to take care of him, but i was really weak after a week of coming back from vancouver and not eating.� so after work, i went home and slept for 2 or 3 hours... Then finally he came over and we watched animal farm and then we went to bed about midnight. I woke up very early ... 3:30? and had to poop, then i woke up again at 6:30 and then 7:00.� i think i had stomach aches from 3:00 am to 3:00 pm today ... Things were coming out of me that iapos;ve never seen before� things i never put into my body... So that was an interesting experience.� so anyways, this morning i woke up and did the regular salt shot chased by 4 8 ounce glasses of water.� then i drank my special drink and 2 quarts of water. Iapos;m pretty weak today, and very hungry. I spend� a lot of my time thinking about food and what i want to eat or cook or buy.� i miss burritos, and oatmeal raisin cookies, and pumpkin bread, and pancakes with raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries.. I miss what i ate in the summertime since everything was in season and cheaper than it is normal. I canapos;t wait to go home next weekend and make pumpkin bread with my mom.� yum� so thatapos;s about what iapos;m thinking about ... OH and plantains� YUM� okay, enough about food. Itapos;s torture really, but i even dream about it.� this is an interesting experience because i am able to understand or think about what people go through each day who do not have anything to eat, who are starving, or people who were in the holocaust who were forced to starve to death, or people who are lost in the middle of the woods with no food or water... Well, at least i have water�

i think my body is used to a liquid diet now. But one couldnapos;t keep this up very long. I think iapos;m going to end it sooner than i thought.� i want to be able to eat with my parents next weekend.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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We just went to see The City of Ember :D

All in all, it was decent. Steampunk WITHOUT BEING VICTORIAN, HOLY SHIT, IMAGINE THAT. XD The characters were really good, and Iapos;m really happy that they didnapos;t employ any big-name child actors for the roles. The two they got for the main characters were really good. :D

The mayor role uh. Could have been done better than by Bill Murray. I donapos;t know, he seemed bored in that role, and it really came through that way. Granted, I havenapos;t read the books (yet), so maybe heapos;s supposed to seem like that, but I donapos;t think so. XD

The setting was wonderful. It was so...depressing. XD; And again, steampunk done right, without forcing a Victorian theme upon it. The costumes were also wonderful. *u* I wanted Linaapos;s entire outfit. XD Lots of knits, too, so Iapos;m expecting much of the knitting community on this one. 8D

The plot...well, it had holes. A lot of holes. XD; And it ended very abruptly. It wasnapos;t bad, it just could have benefited from another half-hour or so. Also they could have gotten rid of the ginormous bugs and random mega-huge deathmole (both of which, Courtney informs me, were not part of the book XD), apos;cause it made me think for a second that somehow these people had evolved to be only like, six inches tall.

On the whole, I suggest checking it out The characters and setting alone make it worth watching.

oh god and now I want to RP Lina somewhere STOP ME
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Laatste dagje� op school want volgende week is het een weekje herfstvakantie. Vanaf school gelijk doorgefietst naar de kringloop want dat is voor budgetvrouw en kind altijd een uitje. Budgetvrouw heeft deze keer niets gescoord maar budgetkind had een goede vangst. Een racebaan van Playskool in de vorm van een koffer. Er zit een handvat aan en als je de koffer open doet is het een racebaan van 1.20m. Een ontzettend leuk en degelijk ding voor 2.50. Ik heb net even op marktplaats gekeken en daar worden ze aangeboden voor 15 euro, dan is deze prijs toch leuker.

Weer thuis is ons kleine mannetje nadat ik zijn vangst even had schoon gemaakt gaan racen met zijn nieuwe vangst en ik ben vast knoflooksaus voor vanavond gaan maken. Vanavond eten wij pas rond 19.30 uur en dan is een broodje shoarma lekker makkelijk en snel om te maken. De knoflooksaus maak ik van yoghurt, scheutje slasaus, scheutje mayo/fritessaus en een snuf zout, vers gemalen peper, tijm en bovenal niet te vergeten een paar flinke knoflooktenen. Voor nog geen 50 cent heb je een grote schaal heerlijke knoflooksaus. Vorige week had ik bij de supermarkt een bak shoarma meegenomen met 35 korting + broodjes en doe er vanavond nog wat sla bij. Een lekkere foute maaltijd voor zo'n 4 euro.

Net de badkamer schoongemaakt met soda en azijn en de voegen die bij ons snel vuil aantrekken blinken weer. Wel een rotwerk om met een schuurspons langs alle voegen te gaan maar het moet toch gebeuren. Een badkameropknapbeurt (mooi woord he) staat voor volgend jaar op de planning, wel lo-budget natuurlijk. Dus alle tips voor goedkope tegels etc zijn welkom.

En nu? Nu ga ik het douchegordijn, badmat en wc-mat even uit de wasmachine halen en ophangen en racen wij daarna door naar zwemles. Fijn weekend

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Em is ohming in the hallway completing her new morning yoga routine.

Last night she and Paul did homework and watching loony tunes while I listened to old 70s songs and jazz in the kitchen and cooked. We all read Cinderella Skeleton at bedtime, a little story from the school library about Cinderella, a Skeleton who goes to Prince Charnelapos;s ball. This one is a keeper. I hope I can find a used copy with the power of the internet.

Weapos;re all going to walk to school together.

And itapos;s a hot tamale morning

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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I mustnapos;t forget this. I still have many boring, seemingly pointless classes to get through before this year can end. I still have exhaustion to battle and irritation to suppress. I know that there will be arguments, I know that there will be awkward silences. I know that it wonapos;t all go smoothly, but I must not forget the way I feel tonight. I must not forget this feeling of heavy, warm peace, and this feeling of love, deep in my heart, lit as a flame and pressing outwards in waves. I must not forget that I love so strongly.
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*is ready early*�

I�think itapos;s going to be one of those days, where my bed, is a place that I�really really want to be. Itapos;s like being in lower school all over again Roll on half term.... which doesnapos;t mean all my art projects are due in, and doesnapos;t�mean I�have to run 10K�and do 15hrs of�rehearsal for a performance that I am TOTALLLY�ready for. Hahahaha I�wish, to all of the above.�


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